Australian-born Hollywood actor Hugh Jackman was recently in the country for the promotions of his latest film, X-Men: Days of Future Past. He spoke about how closely he follows cricket, which mutant he thought would be best at cricket, and how he is inspired by Sachin Tendulkar.
In an interview with The Times of India, Jackman said, “Am pretty sure Wolverine (the X-Men character he plays in the film) would be a bad cricket player — he would not have the patience.”
Jackman continued, “I do follow it as closely as I can. I just discovered, in the last Ashes series, that on channel one thousand and seven in America, you can watch all the cricket. So I have it on quite regularly, and of course, as an Australian, it’s been a pretty good series in South Africa, the English series was great, T20 not so great. Of course, now that we [Australia] are not T20 champions, it’s all about Test cricket for me.
“I loved while growing up how some countries would have captains who were not the greatest cricketers, they may actually have been past their prime — I remember Mike Brearley. He was not regarded as the greatest cricketer, but he was regarded as one of the greatest captains of all time. Now, cricket is a mind game. I mean, Sachin Tendulkar is who he is, very talented, but I’m most inspired by his mental strength, and how he seems to wear it so easily. So someone like Professor Xavier [the handicapped mutant with telepathic and telekinetic powers] — so long as he could walk – having that mind ability, I’d want him as my captain. Knowing which bowler to bring on, knowing when they’re getting tired, oh, he doesn’t like the short ball, or, he likes the short ball — all of that, he’d be best.”